Bert Zéfat

Security Enthusiast

HackTheBox user

Ethical Hacker

Linux lover

Bert Zéfat

Security Enthusiast

HackTheBox user

Ethical Hacker

Linux lover

Blog Post

Hacked and held hostage

October 11, 2021 Hacked, RansomWare, Security
Hacked and held hostage

Everyone hears and see that hacker groups are more active in hacking and attacking with Ransomware.

In this link you will see a TV program of (Dutch spoken) on the topic of being Hacked and being Ransomed.

Gehackt en gegijzeld

PLEASE!!!. Make sure you are aware of the ways hackers will try to enter your company. This is not always via your outside servers, more likely via mail sent to your internal users.

  1. Keep your systems up to date (A must!)
  2. Segment your network (and integrate IPS between them)
  3. Make (offline) backups (3-2-1 principal)
  4. Filter internet traffic (inward and outward)
  5. Limit access to vital information
